Peek Weather and News Updates

Peek Weather and News Updates
Client: Peek
Roles: UX Design, Branding, Research, Testing
Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Maze, Github
Figma PrototypeProblem Statement
Working from home has been increasingly popularin the last few years. This gives people fewer chances to bond with their team members, causing decreased team morale and team productivity. Peek wants to provide users with easy-to-glance weather and news updates for their long-distance coworkers. The information is general enough to be accommodating to workers without being invasive. Peek can assist in building an empathetic approach to team communication toimprove productivity and collaboration.
Have users quickly glance or look into weather and news for long distance coworkers. Research and testing was done to understand issues remote workers face and how that impacts productivity. Branding and logo design was created to demonstrate being able to take a quick peek into the outside conditions team member are dealing with.

Research Goals
- What are the problems remote workers face with connecting with coworkers
- How do weather and news apps present the most relavent informaiton in an easy and fast way
- How do companies compensate for team bonding when working remote
- Learn which weather and news apps have the most dowloads and postive reviews
Direct Competitors
AccuWeather abc7
Weather Bug
Clime: NOAA Weather
The display of temp and forecast is clever/interesting but took too much time to understand and was not consistent with expectations of forecast information
Negative space is a better information divider than the boxed info as I scrolled
Having well-defined sections are going to help the user understand what the site has to offer.
Indirect Competitors
The Weather Channel
Apple Weather
Important to inform the user of credentials and other areas of qualifications.
Having any image or animation should be inspired for not being distracting, messy looking and consistent with the information provided
Google news
Having bolded headlines and correct icons for news will help the user quickly scan and still understand
Blue was a common color I saw in theweather apps themes. Negative space will need to be used to help separate the text that needs to be displayed for weather and news info. How the information is presented to the user will need to be in a familiar layout; Two of the apps that were researched fordirect competitors had interesting and unique ways of displaying forecast. however it took too much time and some thought to understand the layout and we need the information presented to be recognized almost immediately.
User Interviews
Research Goals
- Better understand how our user expects weather information to be displayed and located
- How would having this informaiton influence behavior with coworkers
- Understand what the user considers important information

- Learn which weather and news users typically use and why
- Learning a time when this information could have been helpful
- Understand the personal issues with working with remote team members

What was learned
Most conversations are happening at thebeginning or end of a meeting; special meetings are being planned for non-work related conversations and random workplace small talk is not as casual and happening as often. This can make it hard to feel bonded with co-workers and this feeling could impact cooperation, conflict resolution, and collaboration with and within teams.
User Persona
Emily Thompson

Emily Thompson
- Enthusiastic
- Curious
- Determined
- Thoughtful

- Stay connected with the new members on her team that are remote
- Ease some of the anxieties that come with working from home for her remote employees
- Get to know her team members more personally and build a solid base of trust and security
- Awkward starts to meetings with new team members from out of state or country
- Missing out on little chances here and there that the office provides for workers to chat and bond
- Having miscommunication due to outside circumstances ie extreme weather and local tragies
User Flow
The user wants to sign up for a new app that will help connect them to their remote team members. Sign up and add two team members and click into one of the team member modules.

Site Map
Low Fidelity Wire Frames

High Fidelity Wire Frames

User Testing
4-6 Participants between the age of 23-69
Participants were male and female
- Does the user find the information presented is relevant, easy to glance at, and helpful
- Learn which features are confusing, unnecessary, or cause hesitation
- Observe how the users navigates adding and editing cards, as well as looking into alerted notifications and filter section
- Observe which path the user takes to create a profile and add users.
- How would this information influence users behaviors with coworkers
You need to sign up for peek and add team members from the company Crafty, then expand the alerted card
Figma PrototypeAffinity Map
What was learned
- Screen 7 had the longest time spent on the page, and 100% of the testers miss-clicked
- Changes can be made to suggest the user to the LinkedIn path instead of the zip search box.

User Testing Summary
What was Learned
- Screen 7 had the longest time spent on the page, and 100% of the testers miss-clicked
- Changes can be made to suggest the user to the LinkedIn path instead of the zip search box.
Initial thoughts of the site were positive; Changes can be made to the start button to direct the user more to sign up. The alert notification caused confusion and needs iterations on UI elements and placement to be more intuitive to users. Having the entire card be clickable and changing how the alert is presented will be areas to work on for a better user experience.
Testers also thought that the information presented was personal enough to be beneficial and not invasive. The alert icon distracted the users from clicking into the filter to view only the alerting cards. The placement of the chevron icon can be moved to the middle to be more noticeable to users.
The button was expanded and color changed to match the new colors of the logo. The colors where changed to a deep blue with a raindrop in the P. The picture was simplified to only one with larger text.

Linkdin was add to the find a person page and the inputs were redesign to be consistent length.

The iteration to the card design was made to contain more stories and a forecast instead of just the daily weather. The card was also made to collapse in case you the user wants to see many cards at a time.

A filter option was added to see make it easier to find any alerted cards or locations. Tapping on the alert sign now gives a message to the user about what action they would like to take.

Peek is a company that wants to help coworkers be more connected especially now that working from home is becoming more common. Doing competitive research I found that in Gensler's U.S. Workplace Survey 2020, more than half of the 2,300 workers surveyed have a preference for hybrid working and that 98% of post covid meetings were expected to have at least one remote employee. User research also found that coworkers did have a harder time feeling connected with their remote coworkers. Peek wants to help bridge this gap with providing local news and weather updates for remote workers.
For branding we wanted to give off a friendly and natural theme so I used designstripe illustrations to give more general positive feelings with pastel colors with a primary color of mauve blue. This was to help the natural feel and association with weather. Usability testing found that users felt like the information given about coworkers was just enough to be informative and help start conversations and not invasive or too personal. The overall feedback for peek was positive and users could see using this app in their everyday work routine.

Next Steps
Iterations to the will be made to the problem areas and tested again. More features will be added accomidate feedback